Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Composers visit SNOB

special journal entry by Fritz von Schnitzler

Even in Vienna, we know that Charleston is the place to go for fresh, local cuisine of the highest quality.  It came as no surprise that Herr Beethoven choose SLIGHTLY NORTH OF BROAD (affectionately called "SNOB" by the locals) for the one restaurant to bring Herr Mozart to.

It did come as a surprise (although in retrospect it should have been no surprise at all) that the duo did not make it past the bar...

They were were immediately greeted by General Manager Peter Pierce along with Chamber Music Charleston cellist Timothy O'Malley, who happened to be at the bar.  Peter Pierce introduced Tim to the composers and offered everyone a little something called "The 550," a libation consisting of Maverick Bourbon Whiskey, FernetBranca, brandy soaked cherries for garnish with an orange slice!

While Mr. Pierce went to the back of the restaurant to handle a pressing matter, the composers took the opportunity to help themselves to some of the Maverick Spirits.

It appears that Herr Mozart even created a new drinking game - Eine Kleine Don't - a - Spill the Whiskey!
Beethoven was holding his breath...

SPECIAL NOTE: purchase your Mozart in the South Tickets today!  Visit to order online or call 843.763.4941.

1 comment:

  1. how wonderful to have these composers RIGHT HERE!! Can't wait for the festival!!
